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About Us

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Dagmar da Silva Ramos, diretora e fundadora do IBS Sistêmicas.

Instituto Brasileiro de Soluções Sistêmicas – IBSSistêmicas, with its headquarters in Goiânia, mid-western Brazil, was founded with the purpose of supporting therapeutic, educational and organizational counseling services based on Energetic Dynamics of the Psyche (DEP) and Systemic Constellation theories.

The DEP methodology consists of a transpersonal approach centered on the contact with the essential Being, a synthesis of eastern and western knowledge sources, which has been systematized in Brazil by Theda Basso and Aidda Pustilnik since 1991.

In the 1980s, the concept of Systemic Constellations was formulated in Europe based on studies and experiments carried out by German psychotherapist and philosopher Bert Hellinger applying his Systemic Phenomenological Family Therapy, developed for organizational purposes by Gunthard Weber and his collaborators.

The creation of Instituto Brasileiro de Soluções Sistêmicas was made possible by collaboration between three professionals with the background above and experience in medicine, psychotherapy and enterprises.

The inspiration for our logotype was drawn from the work of Maria Regina Andrade, who was able to beautifully represent the exact moment at which a ripe Brazilian cerrado fruit opens and spreads its winged seeds, which are carried over long distances by the wind.